Medicine in the baggage
Everything you need to know about traveling with medication in carry-on and checked baggage.

Should medication be in carry-on or checked baggage?
There are no restrictions on medication in your baggage. You can choose whether to have your medication in your carry-on or checked baggage. However, we always recommend that you bring vital drugs in your carry-on luggage.
Can I bring pills in my carry-on baggage?
There are no restrictions on non-liquid medication in pill form. This applies to both your carry-on and checked baggage.
However, if it is liquid medication, we recommend that you contact your doctor and obtain a travel letter describing the medication in Danish and English.
Pill passport
If you bring medicines containing narcotics or drugs that affect the central nervous system and are travelling to one of the Schengen countries, you must also be in possession of a pill passport. The purpose of this passport is to document that the medicine is for personal use as part of a medical treatment.
A pill passport can be issued by a pharmacy, which can also provide guidance on the types of medications that require pill passport.
If you want a pill passport, you will need a prescription from your doctor - even if it comes to drugs that usually do not require a prescription.
The validity of a pill passport exceeds after 30 days. If your journey is longer than 30 days, contact the nearest embassy in the destinated country, and find out how to proceed from there.