A new aircraft stand has been inaugurated in the cargo area of CPH

New Cargo Aircraft stand in CPH
PUBLISHED: 30/05/2024

A new aircraft stand in the cargo area of CPH

Today we inaugurated a new cargo aircraft stand at Copenhagen Airport. The new stand, which is a so-called MARS stand (Multiple Aircraft Ramp System), can accommodate either two narrowbody aircraft or a single widebody aircraft. CPH’s cargo stand capacity will thereby increase to up to 19 narrowbody aircraft or up to 7 widebody and 3 narrowbody aircraft at the same time.

The new stand, which was produced with recycled concrete, is equipped with A-VDGS (Advanced-Visual Docking Guidance System) enhancing the operational procedure for the pilots and the ground teams.

The extra capacity this new stand provides to our cargo operations will significantly improve the cargo airlines’ operational capabilities at CPH, paving the way for additional flights and flexibility in the cargo business.

Thank you to our many partners for assisting in developing this new cargo aircraft stand.

Lars Gotfredsen

Senior Air Cargo Manager
+45 5369 5231