Contact info

Media inquiries

Our Corporate Communication and Media Relations office is ready to assist the press and other media.

Our Corporate Communication and Media Relations office is ready to assist the press and other media.

Contact us

Media inquiries

Copenhagen Airports' Corporate Communication and Media Relations office is staffed between 8 am and 5 pm.

Journalists and media can contact our press officer on duty at +45 3231 2800. We have 24-hour coverage for urgent matters that cannot be handled during regular working hours.

Arrangements for visits and interviews with employees at Copenhagen Airport must always be made through one of the press officers. If you need to take photographs or interview travelers or others at the airport, you must obtain a permit from a press officer to do so.


Are you a passenger?

If you have a question or wish to make a complaint as a passenger, please contact Copenhagen Airports' customer service at +45 3231 3231 or through our customer service form.

You can also find plenty of information on regarding flight departures and arrivals, baggage, parking, and a guide to safe travel.

Press contacts

Lise Agerley Kürstein

Director, Head of Corporate Communication & Media Relations

Rasmus Baad

Communications & Press Advisor

Julie Pi Boll

Communications & Press Advisor

Jens Ehlers

Communications & Press Advisor

Sandra Gadegaard Kronmann

Communications & Press Advisor