
Strategy and targets

Our goal is to be a net zero airport by 2050. Get an introduction to our chosen way forward; it is long, complex and to some extent still unknown.

Our goal is to be a net zero airport by 2050. Get an introduction to our chosen way forward; it is long, complex and to some extent still unknown.

Defining scope 1, 2 and 3

Copenhagen Airports accounts for its climate impact in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, dividing our greenhouse gas emissions into three scopes.



Accounts for direct emissions from own operations


Indirect emissions from purchased electricity and heat


All other indirect emissions associated with CPH's activities

Our footprint and targets

Net zero is defined as the greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere being balanced by the removal of a corresponding amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere (a maximum of 10% of a baseline level).

By 2030, we aim to be net zero in Scope 1 and 2 emissions, meaning we will have reduced our operational emissions to a level at or below 10% of our 2019 levels. Any residual emissions will be compensated for through investment in carbon removal credits.

By 2050, we aim to be net zero in scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. A sub-target is to have net zero energy- and fuel consumption from partners as well as net zero ground traffic to and from the airport by 2030.

Net zero 2050 plan

Copenhagen Airport is a member of the Airports Council International (ACI) which represents the collective interests of airports around the world to promote excellence in the aviation industry. In 2019, we entered into an ACI agreement with almost 200 European airports committing to becoming net zero in scope 1 and 2 by 2050 at the latest, where we are committed to achieving this by 2030. 

Our Net Zero 2050 plan was published in 2024 and showcases our path to achieving net zero by 2050 as well as subgoals for 2030. The plan also showcases our broader sustainability strategy beyond climate change.

Read our Net zero 2050 plan