GWh on average is our goal for energy savings each year
Electricity and heating
Decarbonising building operations at Copenhagen Airport is a key element of our climate strategy towards 2030 and 2050.

Energy use and emissions from building operations
We and our tenants consume significant amounts of electricity, district heating and natural gas to operate buildings at Copenhagen Airports. To reduce our emissions from electricity and heating, we are renovating our buildings to be more energy efficient while phasing out our use of natural gas in favour of district heating and electric heat pumps.
To decarbonise our electricity supply, we have installed solar panels that cover approximately 4.5% of the electricity we and our tenants consume. Additionally, we have entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Vattenfall linked to two wind farms in Jutland, specifically Vesterhav Nord and Vesterhav Syd, which supplies us with renewable energy certificates corresponding to the remaining 95.5% of our and our tenants’ combined electricity consumption.
of all electricity used is covered by our own solar capacity
of the electricity is used for charging electric vehicles